Thursday October 13th, 2016

Description of the Project
imesAPI is part of the joint venture ‘LUZ MADRID’, which was awarded the “Comprehensive and Energy Management Contract for Urban Facilities in the City of Madrid”, convened by the Hon. City Council of Madrid, in its lots 1 and 2 (Centre and West Zones of the City).
Within this contract, imesAPI carries out maintenance and traffic management tasks in the two areas mentioned. The contract’s main characteristics are:
- Maintenance and management of more than 1,465 traffic regulators
- Maintenance and management of 65 traffic centres
- Maintenance and management of more than 15 IP Gigabit communication nodes
- Maintenance of more than 33,237 traffic lights of various types
- Maintenance of more than 14,568 supports of various types
- Maintenance of more than 2,701 inductive loop detectors
- Maintenance of more than 3,366,911 m of electric or signs wiring of various types
- Maintenance of more than 167,879 m of fibre optic cable of various types
- Maintenance of more than 368,929 m of conducts